This case of sorcerous artifice
is one of many of its kind which dot the hills
in this area. Originally a byproduct of alchemical
study, the mollusc tree is now harvested for
both medicinal and culinary applications. A
rare mollusc is fished, and immersed in an amniotic
solution within the bulb of a specially cultivated
tree. The ageing process is quite long and the
mollusc actually lives in a torpor until its
harvesting. Specific parts of the pickled mollusc
meat are a much saught after delicacy, and the
brine possesses a potent restorative effect
when imbibed or applied as a salve. If the proper
procedure is not followed, and the bulb split
or tapped by a poacher, the mollusc will viciously
attack, and soon suffocate, spoiling its meat.