An Obeah servant of a witch, fashioned
from wood, bronze, and gourds for work in the
fields. A monkey is sacrificed to inhabit each
limb, and a still birth is encased in the head
to manifest a controlling spirit. Wholly subject
to the wills of their creator, these puppets
are usually utilised for menial tasks and are
kept out of sight. Folk tales tell of a time
when the witch kings would rase whole villages
with witch puppets leading packs of cackling
hyenas, the cracks of whips cutting the dusty
night air.
Key Features-
- Eyes on the mask are closed, and the puppet
sees through the painted third eye.
- Cured, hollowed gourds, and bundles of tied
grasses used as limb parts.
- Tanned skins drawn taught over bowed, wooden
- Spry and strong saplings used as feet.
- Long, sharp fingers for threshing millet terminate
the Puppet’s second pair of arms.
- Scythe for reaping the witch's harvests.
- Branch from a cemetary tree fools the soul
into thinking of the Puppet as a resting place.
- Bone dagger pierces skull; if removed the
puppet collapses, lifeless.